Working with Government
Networking for Success: Building Networks Is Essential to Investment in Social Impact Bonds
Working in collaboration with the Center for American Progress, the Council co-hosted conversations among foundations, community development financial institutions, and investment firms about social impact bonds and Pay for Success. Out of these conversations, two issue briefs were created:
Executive Orders & Actions We Are Monitoring
The Council continues to monitor executive orders and actions relevant to the broad philanthropic sector. To stay up to date on the latest information, sign up for Washington Snapshot. And Council members can join the Council’s Public Policy Action Network, which meets every other month to…
Summary and Analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
As many of the provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) (P.L 115-97) expire at the end of 2025, the 119th Congress, led by Republican majorities in both chambers and the incoming Trump Administration, will prioritize passage of tax legislation. This page analyzes key provisions from the TCJA…
How Foundations Can Partner with USAID
Foundations have been partnering with USAID in a variety of ways to advance locally led development, and below are how some of those partnerships are being executed. For member foundations interested in working with USAID on their own locally led development initiatives, Council on Foundations…
Comments on Proposed Revisions to the Federal Guidance for Grants and Agreements OMB-2023-0017-0001
The Council on Foundations welcomes this opportunity to provide comments on the proposed revisions to the Federal Guidance for Grants and Agreements, OMB-2023-0017001.
The Council on Foundations is a nonprofit membership association that serves as a guide for philanthropies as they advance…
FAQ: Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard
Legal Compliance Guidance
On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling on two cases involving the use of race-conscious admissions practices by colleges and universities: Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina (UNC). For more information, the Council has a full page…
SFFA Case Summary and Ruling
Legal Compliance Guidance
On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling on two cases involving the use of race-conscious admissions practices by colleges and universities: Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina (UNC).
The majority opinion held that the…
Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (H.R. 7010)
External Resource
Bill #5 – Enacted June 5, 2020
Comprehensive Coronavirus Legislation Guide for the Charitable Sector
This is a summary of the fifth bill Congress passed to help with the effects of the coronavirus outbreak. This guide highlights the specific provisions of that bill that may impact the charitable…
Our Divided Nation: Is There a Role for Philanthropy in Renewing Democracy?
American democracy faces challenges that raise difficult questions for philanthropy. Have funders done everything possible to shore up democratic values and aspirations, or pursued their own ideas of the public good and turned a blind eye to these challenges? To what extent can philanthropy’s…
CDFI Fund Map of All Census Tracts Eligible for Designation as a Qualified Opportunity Zone
External Resource
The CDFI Fund has identified over 41,000 population census tracts that are eligible for designation as a QOZ, including (1) 31,680 population census tracts that are Low-Income Communities (LICs) eligible for designation as QOZs; and (2) 9,453 non-LIC population census tracts that are eligible for…
US Impact Investing Alliance Resources on Opportunity Zones
External Resource
Now that Opportunity Zones have been designated, individual and corporate investors are then given the opportunity to defer capital gains taxes when they reinvest the earnings in these communities. Additional incentives accrue over five, seven and ten years if the investment is maintained – thereby…
How Community Foundations Can Use the Opportunity Zone Tax Incentive for Community Development?
External Resource
This white paper from the Community Foundation Public Awareness Initiative discusses a timely and significant opportunity for community foundations (CFs): How they can use the recently enacted federal Opportunity Zone tax incentive to benefit communities in need by leveraging their knowledge of…
Community Foundations, Meet Opportunity Zones
External Resource
Guest writer Adam Northup, LOCUS Advisor, shares what every Community Foundation should know about Opportunity Zones. Created by the new tax law, this new tool has the potential to revitalize left behind communities.
Mission Investors Exchange Opportunity Zones Resources
External Resource
The OZ program is intended to spur long-term investments in low-income census tracts in the U.S. The new law allows investors to place unrealized capital gains (a profit from an investment that hasn’t yet been sold) into authorized O Funds that invest capital into OZs. The greatest benefits would…
LOCUS National Opportunity Zones Ranking Report
External Resource
With the creation of the federal Opportunity Zones incentive program, trillions of dollars in new private investment will flow into pre-designated low-income communities around the country. But will this investment benefit the people living in these communities now, or will they be displaced as new…
Department of the Treasury Opportunity Zones Resources
External Resource
Treasury and IRS have issued an initial set of proposed regulations and guidance on how the Qualified Opportunity Zone tax benefits under IRC 1400Z-2 (including the certification of Qualified Opportunity Funds and eligible investments in Qualified Opportunity Zones) will be administered.…