Philanthropic Infrastructure
The philanthropic infrastructure is dynamic, diverse, and interconnected. As part of our work, the Council is committed to engaging with a strong ecosystem of peer philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) so that we can leverage our unique assets, share knowledge and resources, increase trust in philanthropy, and ultimately advance the greater good.
There are several different types of PSOs that work to strengthen, lead, inform, mobilize, and support the philanthropic sector, including:
- National Philanthropy Organizations
- Regional Philanthropy Networks
- Topical Funder Networks
- Identity-Based Networks
- Foundation-Type Networks
- Global Philanthropy Networks
- Academic Centers for Philanthropy
National Philanthropy Organizations
National philanthropy organizations provide a variety of services that help support and strengthen the philanthropic infrastructure across the United States and in some cases, around the world.
- BoardSource
- Candid
- Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)
- The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
- Council on Foundations
- Exponent Philanthropy
- Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
- Independent Sector
- The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP)
- The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
- National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers (NNCG)
- Peak Grantmaking
- Philanthropy Roundtable
- United Philanthropy Forum
Regional Philanthropy Networks
Regional associations for philanthropy bring together grantmaking organizations within specific geographic areas across the United States.
- Appalachia Funders Network
- Arizona Grantmakers Forum
- Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
- Council of Michigan Foundations
- Council of New Jersey Grantmakers
- Florida Philanthropic Network
- Forefront
- Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island
- Grantmakers of Oregon & SW Washington
- Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania
- Greenville Partnership for Philanthropy
- Groundworks New Mexico
- Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
- Iowa Council of Foundations
- Maine Philanthropy Center
- Maryland Philanthropy Network
- Minnesota Council on Foundations
- Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofit and Philanthropy
- North Carolina Network of Grantmakers
- Northern California Grantmakers
- NY Funders Alliance
- Orange County Grantmakers
- Philanthropy Colorado
- Philanthropy Delaware
- Philanthropy Massachusetts
- Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia
- Philanthropy New York
- Philanthropy Northwest
- Philanthropy Ohio
- Philanthropy Southeast
- Philanthropy Southwest
- Philanthropy West Virginia
- Southern California Grantmakers
- Virginia Funders Network
- Wisconsin Philanthropy Network
Topical Funder Networks
Topical networks are organizations founded by grantmakers who have common interests around funding specific topics.
- Animal Grantmakers
- Asset Funders Network
- Biodiversity Funders Group
- The Communications Network (ComNet)
- Confluence Philanthropy
- Disability & Philanthropy Forum
- Early Childhood Funders Collaborative (ECFunders)
- Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA)
- Economic Opportunity Funders (EOF)
- Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA)
- Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)
- Funders for Reproductive Equity (FRE)
- Fund the People
- Funders Together to End Homelessness
- Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)
- Grantmakers for Education (GFE)
- Grantmakers in Aging (GIA)
- Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA)
- Grantmakers in Health (GIH)
- Grantmakers for Thriving Youth
- Grassroots Grantmakers
- Health and Environmental Funders Network
- Media Impact Funders
- Mission Investors Exchange (MIE)
- Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG)
- Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE)
- Participatory Grantmakers Community
- Science Philanthropy Alliance
- Social Impact Exchange
- Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders
- Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG)
- The Funders Network (TFN)
- Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
- Workforce Matters Funders Network
Identity-Based Networks
Identity-based philanthropic networks connect and support philanthropic leaders with shared identities.
- Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP)
- A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities (ABFE)
- CHANGE Philanthropy
- Donors of Color Network
- Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP)
- Funders for LGBTQ Issues
- Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP)
- Jewish Funders Network
- Native Americans in Philanthropy
- Women’s Funding Network
Foundation-Type Networks
These networks create spaces and develop resources to support and connect certain types of foundations.
Community Foundations
- AdNet
- CEONet
- CFInsights
- CFLeads
- Community Foundation Opportunity Network (CFON)
- Finance, Administration, and Operations Group for Community Foundations (FAOG)
- Kansas Association of Community Foundations
- League of California Community Foundations
- ProNet
Corporate Philanthropy
- Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP)
- Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
- The Conference Board
- The Points of Light Institute & Volunteer Center National Network
- US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center
Global Philanthropy Networks
These networks bring together foundations and donors working on international issues. Notably, most regions and many countries of the world have local philanthropy networks. This map by WINGS documents the 150+ national and regional philanthropy networks around the world.
- Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group
- Africa Philanthropy Network
- African Venture Philanthropy Alliance
- Ariadne Network
- Asia Venture Philanthropy Network
- Caribbean Philanthropy Network
- EDGE Funders
- European Venture Philanthropy Association
- Global Governance Philanthropy Network (GGPN)
- Global Fund for Community Foundations
- Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN)
- International Funders for Indigenous People (IFIP)
- Latin American Venture Philanthropy Network (Latimpacto)
- Network of Engaged International Donors (NEID)
- Philanthropy for Climate
- Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea)
- Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)
- Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)
Academic Centers for Philanthropy
These university-based centers provide training, research, tools, and other resources to foster the education and advancement of the philanthropic sector.
- ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, Arizona State University
- Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Queensland University of Technology
- Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research, San Diego University
- Center for High Impact Philanthropy, University of Pennsylvania
- Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy, Texas A&M
- Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership, Rice University
- Center for Philanthropy and Non-Profit Leadership, University of Maryland
- Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society, Duke University
- Center on Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Enterprise, George Mason University
- Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, CUNY
- Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, University of Southern California
- Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, Boston College
- Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy , Bayes Business School
- Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent
- Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Grand Valley State University
- Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University
- National Center on Philanthropy and the Law, New York University
- PACS (Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society), Stanford University
- RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, University of Texas at Austin
- Sillerman Center for Advancement of Philanthropy, Brandeis University
- Valdry Center for Philanthropy, Southern University