Renata Barrionuevo
Fundación del Empresariado Yucateco
Program Manager
Renata is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has a degree in Psychology, and graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, with a specialization in Clinical and Community Psychology. A teacher and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires, she has also worked in the public health sector. Since 2001 she has worked in different civil associations in Argentina and has collaborated in community development programs in different Latin American countries.
Since 2015 she has been a collaborator in the Fundación del Empresariado Yucateco in the design and direction of the PICIP Program (Integral Participative Community Intervention Program): grassroots community development program in the Comisaría Campestre Flamboyanes of the Municipality of Progreso, in the Comisarías Dzununcan and San José Tzal of the Municipality of Mérida and in the Municipality Tahdziu.